Monday, May 9, 2011

Are You a Member of the Royal Family?

If we go to the first chapter in Ephesians, verses 20 – 22, Paul clearly spells out the position and authority given to Christ. When Father God raised Christ from the dead He bestowed approximately eleven rights and authorities to His Son. (Depending on the Bible translation – the wording is different – so I’ll use the Amplified Bible version as it seems to make clearer distinctions.) These authorities are as follows:

1. Seated Him at His own right hand
2. In Heavenly places
3. Far above all rule
4. Far above all authority
5. Far above all power
6. Far above all dominion
7. Far above every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred]
8. Not only in this age
9. But in the world to come
10. He placed everything under His feet
11. Appointed Him the universal and supreme head of the church.

So, my question to you is:  What rights and privileges are you personally deriving as a result of your royal citizenship and being seated with Christ in heavenly places?